Guide to Hiring a Chief Product Officer (CPO)

Explore the role of a Chief Product Officer (CPO), covering key responsibilities, essential skills, salary expectations, and the critical questions to ask for a successful hiring process.

Guide to Hiring a Chief Product Officer (CPO)

In today's competitive business environment, having a robust product strategy is crucial for success. This makes the role of the Chief Product Officer (CPO) indispensable. The CPO is responsible for driving product vision, strategy, and execution, ensuring that your company’s products not only meet market demands but also exceed customer expectations. Here's a comprehensive guide to hiring a CPO, focusing on the essential skills, salary data, and a structured interview framework to help you find the right candidate.

What is the Role of a CPO?

The Chief Product Officer is a senior executive responsible for defining and executing the product strategy in alignment with the company's overall goals. The CPO leads the product management team, collaborates with cross-functional teams, and ensures that the product lifecycle—from ideation to launch—is handled efficiently. Key responsibilities of a CPO include:

  1. Product Vision and Strategy
    • Establishing a clear product vision that aligns with the company’s strategic goals.
    • Identifying market opportunities and setting a product roadmap to achieve business objectives.
  2. Product Development
    • Overseeing the entire product development process, ensuring timely delivery and alignment with customer needs.
    • Prioritising features and functionalities that drive growth and innovation.
  3. Market Research and Analysis
    • Conducting in-depth market research to stay ahead of trends and competition.
    • Using data-driven insights to inform product decisions and identify new opportunities.
  4. Cross-Functional Leadership
    • Collaborating with teams across the organisation, including engineering, design, marketing, and sales, to ensure product success.
    • Facilitating communication between teams to maintain alignment on product goals.
  5. Customer Focus
    • Ensuring that the product meets and exceeds customer expectations.
    • Gathering and analysing customer feedback to continuously improve the product.
  6. Metrics and KPIs
    • Defining and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure product success.
    • Using metrics to inform strategic decisions and optimise product performance.

Chief Product Officer Salary (CPO Salary)

According to data from, the average salary for a Chief Product Officer in Australia ranges between AU$237,000 and AU$317,000 base per year in NSW and AU$244,000 and AU$315,000 base per year in VIC, depending on the size of the company, industry, and the candidate's experience. In top-tier companies or start-ups with significant funding, total compensation (including bonuses and equity) can exceed AU$600,000 annually.

Framework to Interview Product Owners/Managers

Hiring a CPO involves assessing their ability to lead, strategise, and deliver. Here's a structured framework to evaluate candidates effectively, focusing on three core areas: Culture, Leadership Traits, Strategy & Delivery, and Planning & Prioritisation.

Culture: Influential, Analytical, and High EQ

A successful CPO must exhibit a strong cultural fit with the organisation, demonstrating influence, analytical thinking, and high emotional intelligence (EQ). These traits ensure they can lead teams effectively and foster a positive, collaborative work environment.

But what should you look for in the Team and when you bring in other Heads of or Senior Product Managers?  

The below is some key highlights to consider when you look to grow your Product Cohort

Leadership Traits

Core Focus Areas:

  • Influence Across Teams: Beyond direct reports, how do they influence other teams like Tech, Sales, Marketing, and other departments?
  • Example Questions:
    • How do you influence change in an organisation that is not product-led?
    • What strategies have you implemented to bring others on board with your vision?
    • Can you share an example of how you worked with cross-functional teams to achieve a common goal?
    • How do you get your team to align with and believe in the product vision?

Strategy & Delivery

Core Focus Areas:

  • Oscillating Between Strategy and Delivery: Assessing the candidate’s ability to balance long-term strategic thinking with the immediate demands of product delivery.
  • Strategy:
    • Understanding Business & Commercial Acumen: How well do they understand the business context, and can they communicate strategic plans effectively?
    • Example Question: Can you walk me through a strategic deck and explain how you keep stakeholders engaged with commercial outcomes?
  • Delivery:
    • Leadership in Delivery: How do they lead teams to deliver on product goals? What processes do they use to ensure timely and successful delivery?
    • Example Question: What tech stack do you prefer, and why? How do you decide on the best platform for product development?

Planning & Prioritisation

Core Focus Areas:

  • Roadmapping and Horizon Setting: Ability to create and communicate a product roadmap over different time horizons (6, 12, 18, 24 months).
  • Example Questions:
    • How do you prioritise product features?
    • Can you explain how you conduct quarterly planning sessions and retrospectives?
    • How do you manage urgent requests that conflict with existing priorities?


A Chief Product Officer plays a pivotal role in driving your company's product strategy and ensuring its success in the market. When hiring a CPO, it's crucial to assess their ability to influence across the organisation, balance strategic thinking with execution, and plan effectively. The right CPO will have the experience, leadership skills, and commercial acumen to lead your product team to success.

Hot Tips for Hiring your Team

  1. Challenge Random Features: Product professionals often fall in love with specific features. Challenge their rationale to ensure these features have a strong commercial basis.
  2. Prioritise Commercial Thinking: Ensure that the CPO can think commercially and strategically, especially when managing competing priorities.
  3. Assess Problem-Solving Skills: Use scenario-based questions to evaluate their problem-solving approach and ability to navigate complex challenges.

Partnering with a recruitment firm that specialises in Product, Design, and Innovation roles can help you find the right CPO who can lead your product strategy and drive business growth. Latitude IT is here to provide access to the best talent, ensuring a smooth and successful hiring process for your organisation.

Don't leave your product’s future to chance—partner with us to hire a CPO who will take your product team to the next level.

For more info contact > James Gildon - +61 404 909 061

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